Engineering Plastics 

Engineering Plastics 

In the realm of plastics and rubber, masterbatches stand as vital additives. They infuse polymers with color, UV resistance, flame retardancy, and other properties, optimizing material performance and visual appeal. From everyday products to industrial components, masterbatches elevate plastics and rubber to new levels of functionality and aesthetics.
  • White Masterbatch
  • Black Masterbatch
  • Color Masterbatch
  • Antifog Masterbatch
  • Optical Masterbatch
  • U.V. Masterbatch
  • Fragnance Masterbatch
  • Anti Scratch Masterbatch
  • Purging Compound
  • Laser Marking Masterbatch
  • Flame Retardent Masterbatch
  • Mono Concentrates / SPC Masterbatch
  • Rubber Masterbatch
  • Engineering Masterbatch
  • PET Masterbatch
  • Metallic Masterbatch
  • Pearlscent Masterbatch
  • Marble Effect Masterbatch

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